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Lamentation of the Zomi Refugees in India, Maylay and Thai in the jungle!


Lamentation of the Zomi Refugees in India, Maylay and Thai in the jungle!

We were born in the hilly area in between Burma proper and Assam India,
Which our ancestors called “Zogam”.

Aliens invaded our Zogam, colonized us and seized our sovereignty;
And named the hills, the dales, and the territory “Chin Hills”.

By birth we are “Zomi” the name by which our fore fathers called themselves before pre history.
But the invaders imposed “Chin” to us, to mean uncivilized people.

Christianity civilized our society, opened our eyes, and then we knew how to read and write.
Civic, manner, etiquette, and ethic were part of our life began.

Harmony and tranquility endeavored in our Zogam
Henceforth love, peace and joy endured.

Our fore-fathers fought for independence and gained in 1948, to free from imperialism.
Our portion was inequality, partiality being as a minority Christian ethnic in the Union of Burma.

Military government took power in 1962, in which we lived in danger and uncertainty.
Misled the country, misappropriated it’s wealth to lead to the poorest nation in the world.

Nation wide demonstration for Democracy broke out in 1988,
Neither Democracy nor freedom was gained; instead tyrant military junta took power.

Sadistic soldiers were everywhere; ethnic cleansing and burmanization are their policy.
Search porter for human shield and conscript minor for human mine detector in the battlefield.

Force labor, force sex slave and torture are their daily practice and norms;
Freedom from fear we fled out of our beloved homeland.

Seek refuge in India and Thai Myanmar border Refugee camps,
Since we are poor and weary to reach to Malaysia.

Cry for help to our Zomi brethren and Zomi Innkuan,
Compassionate concern is bestowed only to Zomi refugee seekers in Malaysia.

We are the abandon and forgotten Zomi refugees,
Where art thou, thou who say “ I was born as Zomi, live as Zomi and shall die as Zomi”.

We have no access either telephone or Internet to contact with the outside world.
Who will come and help us, who will advocate our sufferings and hunger to the authorities,
We will lift up our eyes to the hills-From whence comes our help? Our help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. All mighty GOD, THOU art our Comforter and Hope.

Source: Zomi International Network

SMS Scam and Zomi Refugees

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Jesus would SMS you one day and say …I’ll give you the UNHCR registration even though the UN would not recognize us a chance of being a refugee in exile…” laughing and said. May youngsters are still unclear of the rumor knowing that it is impossible. What makes them doubt could be the pre-assumption of horror movies like “Miss Call, Iron Man”

There have been so many phone hoaxes lately especially in Malaysia. How could a well-informed person be doubtful about all these things as we have seen so many scams like: Nokia warning against hoax SMS. http://www.bt.com.bn/en/home_news/2008/04/29/nokia_warns_against_hoax_sms

Maxis users at: http://www.maxis.com.my/personal/about_us/announcement/notice.asp

DiGi users: http://star-techcentral.com/tech/story.asp?file=/2007/6/26/technology/20070626154134&sec=technology

SMS Bomb hoax in 2005: http://www.textually.org/textually/archives/2005/08/009508.htm

There are actually thons of scams and hoaxes growing almost every week. The biggest question is “Have you look before you jump (in to a conclusion).” Chain letters, chain SMS, Chain e-mails truly annoy people and it can be take-taking to study about. Many people still believe in the modern fancy way of spam and junk mails coming to us while consuming our time and money.

“How could the Zomi refugees afford to buy phone cards, making warning about the news and forwarding this message to other people which takes time and money” while they don’t even have the money to make phone call to their family who are the victims of the Cyclone back home,” Taang added.

It is true that he himself received 3 forwarded warning SMS. Some would believe it and take it true so we can’t even make phone calls after 11 P.M and early in the morning. If you are receiving one, do not forward it to your friends but discard it immediately.

Nothing is benefit by believing in those crept dumb things but it rather effect your…
-Worries etc.

Therefore, it is important especially for the Zomis not fall under such fraudulent scams.

Listen to what other Malay bloggers have to say:







Zomi home-made products yet professional


Zomi Women Income generation supported by the local Churches and NGOs.
The Zomi Women Depart of the Association is gifted in home productions. Home-made yet professional at the market place.
Believe it or not, if there are more investment and raw materials, this could be a huge market locally as well as internationally. That's all about the Zomi refugees in KL.

Zomi Refugee Children Center


The Zomi Refugee children are under the kind care Zomi volunteer teachers in sync with local churches and organization working together to bring HOPE to the life of these kids. They're smart and active but do they feel rejected as they're refugee?

NGOs @ Work... What If?


Thousands of Zomi refugees face humiliation, robbing, accident, unjust treatment, physical and emotional abuse [especially women] by their bosses. Taang Kim was hit by a truck at his work place and there is no insurance as he is a refugee. The boss would not even give him a single cent to help the dying man.

God is gracious enough to send a group of people who have a heart of compassion which provided medication, assistance and other personal needs through a local NGO. Taang was under the care of the NGO for about two months.
He is no longer working as he recovered from the accident but now he is serving and volunteering as a driver in the Zomi community helping his own people. This is one of the greatest activities of the local NGOs like ACTS.
There are some other NGOs working for the good cause and well being of the helpless refugees.

What if there were no NGOs to assist the helpless Zomi refugees in situation like this???

Ray of Hope, Spring of Life from local NGOs


Hundreds of Zomi refugees in Malaysia are under a difficult situation in paying their medical bills, shelter and other difficulties. Local organizations like A Call To Serve (ACTS) has been providing and assisting the vulnerable refugees on a day to day basis in the area of health. This Zomi gentleman was hit by a car. His health was in a critical situation but due to the kind help and humanitarian work of a local NGO, ACTS he is getting better and he is till under the care of ACTS, Malaysia.

Many people would have been died if there were no takers like ACTS and other local and international NGOs and Churches. They have been saving the lives of so many helpless refugees in Malaysia, India, Thailand and worldwide.

Zomi Refugees Get Local Helps


The Zomi refugees especially Malaysia as well as in India are in a hard time to strive for their daily survival. They don't even have the day to day food and clothing enough.

Local Churches and NGOs assist those helpless refugees partially.
Even a small token, a bowel of rice, used clothes, used or new kitchen utensils means a lot to them.

The main source of the Zomi refugees are the kind help and assistance of the well-wisher local organizations. One church, one organization given an item means a lot for the refugees in exile.

Fans, mats, broom, sppons, cups are donated to the Zomi refugees by the local people.

Jungle Refugee Education


Refugee Education performed in the jungle. The Zomi volunteers along with the help and assistance of NGOs provide free tuition to give them hope and to brighten their future.

Zomi Refugee Kids


Their main needs are:

1. Food
2. Shelter
3. Security

Death of Zomi Refugees in Malaysia


Death of Refugees in Malaysia.
Young and Old alike die with Accident, Sickness, Flee from running under physical inhuman treat.

The Zomi Refugees are in dire need of FOOD, SHELTER, AND PROTECTION while
protection can only be provided the UNHCR. However, the local NGOs and other well-wishing organizations can and are partially supporting some of the Zomi Refugees in Malaysia.

Living expenses and day to day survival as refugees is though.
Having no proper medical treatment causes sickness and it leads death at last.

The more disgusting part is that

Zomi refugees can choose how to live with in a minimal budget but we can't avoid and escape from Death (accident, sickness) etc.
said a prominent Zomi Refugee Leader.

Zomi Refugee Children


Zomi Refugees Children on Mother's Day. May 11, 2008 in Malaysia.

Interview with a Zomi Refugee


Interview with Zomi Refugees...

Zomi Refugees

Zomi Refugees

VOZOR: Voice of the Zomi Refugees

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The need to record the Voices of the Zomi Refugees in Exile!